5 Core Principles When Designing your Landing Pages

There is no “One Size Fits All” formula for creating lead generation pages for an online business but there are several factors when it comes to creating effective and high converting lead capture pages.

There are many different sizes, variables, and options when it comes to designing a landing page, lead pages, or capture pages, whatever you want to call them.

You have to understand the different variables involved in creating a landing page.

There are:

  • Target Market

  • Industry/niche

  • Product/service/offer

  • Traffic source

  • Purpose Goal

All of these different factors will determine the layout/design of your landing page.

There are Five Core Principles that go into the design of your landing page. 

  1. Your Unique Selling Proposition –  This must be communicated effectively in the Main Headline

  2. The Image/Video – This should be you, your brand, or product or service.  Whatever it is that you are offering/Your Promise

  3. The benefits of your offer – These should be outlined on the landing page and should give your visitors a reason to give you their best email

  4. Social Proof – credibility or trust factors should be conveyed

  5. Single Conversion Goal – Focused Call-To-Action Button

The landing pages should be tailored specifically to your offer. 

When all five of these principles are implemented the landing pages will do their job and get your prospects to give their best email.