Email Autoresponders Series 2 – Content, Upsell / Cross Sell, Date Triggered Email Templates.

Last time, we’ve talked about automated messages and welcome emails in Email Autoresponsers Series 1 – those that you absolutely have to nail as they can break or make your relationship with your subscribers.

Today I’d like to move on to four other types of content – ones I’ve found to be particularly useful in deepening my relationship with my readership and making a sale or two in the process.

Those four types are:

  • Content Offers

  • Upsell and cross-sell emails

  • Date-triggered emails

  • Behavior-triggered emails

Content Offers

The best thing you can do to develop a rapport with people on your list is to send them actionable content they can absorb and put to use immediately. Period.

Like what I’m doing right here. Check out the title – it says I’m giving out unique templates for different types of automated messages. I’ll bet half of you will simply gloss over this sentence in an attempt to get to those templates as soon as you can.

And I’m totally cool with that. It means I’m doing my job right and providing you with advice that you can use right now.

The point is – you have niche-specific knowledge that people can use. Don’t be stingy with it and give it out freely.

When it comes to handing out content you can try three different approaches:

  • Completely new content – this means that you’re creating completely new stuff for people on your list. If you have the time, go for it. You can use it as a hook to get more people to sign up.

  • Repackaged blog posts – not everyone on your list reads your blog so it’s only sensible that you repackage your posts a bit and send them out regularly. This requires a lot less effort and allows you to sneak in older content that you think is evergreen. If your list is growing over time, you will definitely want to do that.

  • Content bombs – e-books and white papers make for great content offers. You can repurpose a bunch of your older blog posts and send them out as an e-book to your list once or twice a year. White papers and case studies work like a charm as well.

Now, the most important thing here is to make this email about them, the people on your list, and not about you. Sneak in a discrete call to action here and there but don’t be too blatant. Remember, it’s about building trust and nurturing at this point; it’s not about selling.

Upsell and cross-sell emails

If you’re customers already bought something from you, it means that you must be doing something right. I know, those first sales caught me by surprise as well!

Now is not the time to relax, however. If you get complacent, you go bust. Set up lists that will target your subscribers based on their past purchases.

Then find auxiliary products that you know they’ll find useful and market them with discounts. Or go a step further and offer them a trial period for a higher-tier service.

Do whatever it’s important to keep these emails short and to the point but also to include a proof of value for the customer in them. Testimonials work great here.

Date-triggered emails

Personally, I love these as they are a great way to add a personal touch to your marketing campaign and to connect with your audience on a more intimate level.

I’ll start off with an easy one: birthday card. If you have the information, why not use it to send a warm, non-salesy email to your reader?

Include a discount code in it and you’ve just made someone a very happy customer! See, you can easily use this opportunity to drive your sales up without coming off too pushy.

Birthdays are easy, though. What I recommend you do is send out reminder emails to customers after a certain amount of time has passed since they’ve bought your product.

For example, if your selling ink cartridges for printers and it has been a year since someone bought a cartridge from you (you can set it up by referencing the last transaction email) why not send them a reminder? Cartridges last around a year when used occasionally so by doing this you are offering something they need when they need it.

There are a lot of things you can do here so give it a bit of a though and find something that works for your business.

Behavior-triggered emails

This requires a bit more finesse and effort as you need to track what your customers are doing on your site in real time. I agree, it’s more work but it can pay off big time.

Also, it’s highly beneficial as it enables you to send personalized emails to your subscribers based on where they are in the purchase cycle or which one of your pages they’ve visited.

I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: personalization sells!

Let’s say you have an online store with multiple categories. One of your subscribers spends a good deal browsing the personal shavers section. If they go out without buying anything it might be a good idea to send them an email about your best-rated shavers, accompanied by some reviews. Also, the price might be a deal breaker so if it makes sense you can also include a 5% discount or free shipping in your offer.

Email Templates

Content Offer Template

Boy, do I have a whopper for you today, Abe!

Seeing as the two of us were just recently acquainted, I’ve decided to compile the best of my tips and tricks posts just for you!

You can find them on the following links:

  • LINK CONTENT 1 – An in-depth guide to email marketing

  • LINK CONTENT 2 – All you need to know about autoresponders

  • LINK CONTENT 3 – Tips on how to build an awesome marketing list

Also, here is a PDF file you can download to read when you have more time. It deals with types of automated messages and has an appendix full of templates you can use!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Hint: I love receiving praise for work well done too!

Mike from XYZ

PS: If you want to learn more about my email automation service, click here to watch a short video.

Upsell and Cross-Sell Email Template

Hi, Name!

We know you’re busy now, what with enjoying the benefits of the XYZ product you’ve recently purchased with us, so we will keep it short.

We wanted to let you know that a lot of our customers decide to also buy ZYX after buying XYZ. The products work great together.

Here’s what some buyers have to say about it:




Anyway, we’ll let you enjoy XYZ now. Let us know if you have any questions!

XYZ Team

Date-Triggered Email Template

Dear Name,

Tomorrow might be the day you decide to print out your book to share it with your friends finally.

They will love it and a year from now you will publish it.

It is going to be a SMASHING hit!

Your life will be completely transformed.

You will never have to worry about money again.

You will have worldwide acclaim and the respect of your fellow writers.

Or not.

It all depends on whether you have any ink in your cartridge. It’s been a year since you last replaced it.

Don’t risk it. Buy a new cartridge today at a discounted price.


You’re welcome,

XYZ Cartridge Team

Behavior-Triggered Email Template

(Triggered by user behavior on a given page, in this case, consumer electronics page –laptops)

Hi, Abe!

We have a special deal for you!

Starting tomorrow, some of our consumer electronic products will be on a special promo sale!

Here is the full list of products on sale:

LINK HERE – Include products viewed by the subscriber

And here is your discount code : CODE XXX

You better hurry, though! The code is valid for the next 48 hours and then it reverts to a pumpkin – or in its case, an incoherent jumble of letters and numbers.

Happy pickings Abe!

XYZ Team

Feel free to use these templates/examples if you like them. Of course, a certain amount of modification will be required but they can, at least, give you an idea on how to approach a certain type of message.

Next time I’ll be back with the latest scoop on transaction emails and a couple of more things you need to try out so stay tuned. In the meantime, drop by the comments section and say hi!

If you would like to read all 3 Series click below:

  1. Series 1: Handy Welcome Email Templates

  2. Series 2: Content Offers, Upsell / Cross Sell, Date triggered and Behavior triggered email templates.

  3. Series 3: Post -purchase, Re-engagement, Transactional, and Thank you email Templates.