Sales And Marketing Funnel Tips: 7 Day Email Sequence To Guide Your Leads Into Sales

In this post, I’m here to show you how to grow your business. So first and foremost, why is the sales funnel important?

Just think about it. When you visit Amazon, for example, or and e-commerce site for example, you are at the top of the funnel. You haven’t bought anything yet, and you start to go to a product page, and then you start to go to a cart page. You’re going down a funnel.

A good funnel takes you through the AIDA process.

  • A – Awareness,

  • I – Interest

  • D – Decision and

  • A – Action

You’re taking people through a funnel, and in this post I’m going to guide you on a 7 Step Process to guide your lead into sales.

7 Step Email Sequence To Guide Your Leads Into Sales

Let me talk to you a little bit about how to construct a sales sequence and email marketing sales sequence. The examples I’m going to give today are based on our Funnel Creating Product.

To break down each of those emails and how we went about constructing those, and how you can apply that to your business.

What is a Sales Sequence?

To give you some quick background, a sales sequence is a way for you to turn your email subscribers into paying customers, depending on what your business is. That might be a little bit different for you.

So if you’re a Network Marketer that might be taking your email subscribers and turning them into paid member. If you are an e-commerce business, that might be taking your subscribers that opted in for a discount code, and getting them to buy a specific product. If you’re an agency that could be, taking your subscribers and getting a free consultation from them.

The first step of the email sequence, which is actually taken from Jeff Walker’s product launch formula, is a quick question email.

Instant Email – The Question Email

In this email, you essentially want to give them what they signed up for. Usually whenever you collect an email address, you’re going to get that email address in exchange for some sort of opt in. So a Webinar, a video, a PDF, something along those lines.

And then, after that you’re going to ask them a quick question about the biggest challenge that they have around the topic that you are talking about. If you’re selling a marketing software, that might be what’s your biggest challenge around marketing your business?

In our case, selling our Sales & Marketing Funnel Design Service, we say something like… Over the next few days, I’m going to send you one quick email a day with free material that you could use, to create a high converting funnel.

And the question was, “What’s the biggest challenge that’s keeping you converting more visitors into customers?”

The First email is to give them the lead magnet, but also it serves to inform the rest of the emails that you have in your funnel because a lot of the emails you send out are going to be based around the challenges that your subscribers have.

Email #2 – Tactic, Strategy, Tip, Solution

The second email of the funnel for us was a called the “Elon Musk’s Hiring Strategy”. That was the subject line.

The point here is the second email usually is a free content email, so you’re going to send out a piece of free content, some sort of tactic, some sort of strategy, that your subscribers can use to solve a problem around whatever they’re experiencing.

In our case, what we send out, what Elon Musk’s number one, outsourcing strategies, secrets, and the story that we told around Elon Musk’s hiring strategy, that he looks for the highest leverage when he hires someone to do an assignment. You can see how these tactics and strategies are kind of baked into nice stories.

Email #3 – Why should they listen to you?

The next step that we have in our sales sequence is a subject line called “Killing My Business” and this was actually a story of how our company had some challenges, with converting traffic into conversions in the past, and that kind of serves to show the audience that we’ve been in their shoes before. We kind of understand the problems that they’re having, and we are qualified to help because we’ve been there before.

Email #4 – Introduce the product

The next step after that is the subject line called “The $500,000 decision”. This is where we introduce our product.

First, you’ve kind of given them the the lead magnet, you’ve shown them that you understand what problems they’re going through, you kind of build that authority, and you’ve given them the free content. You already started that relationship. Now you kind of have permission to introduce the product, and how you can help them even further.

So in this case, in this email, we talk about the features and benefits for our product. Because we’re selling a service, the feature list of our product is the items that’s included in the design. We list all of the design elements they will get with the services…etc. If you’re an E-Commerce company, maybe it’s your product specs after you’ve introduced her product.

Email #5 – Objections

Now you have to address some skepticism, but they might have around what you’re selling. So in our case, that was a very long FAQ email. Answering all of their questions that they never bothered to ask.

Email #6 – Urgency

The next step after that is your urgency email. So this is something that you wouldn’t have to add to add some urgency on. Limited time, offer a discount…etc. that’s going to expire at a certain day. A lot of your sales will happen around this time, when there is an urgency factor.

Email #7- Survey

Last email that we sent out, a survey. What you want to learn is understanding why your prospects didn’t buy. Ask people, “Are you considering buying?”, “What made you not get over that fence?”…etc

That’s how you craft a 7 days sales sequence that will get results. Now go out and build that perfect funnel for your business.

If you want to follow The Elon Musk’s Leverage Strategy, then have the experts do it for you.

Whatever you decide to do, a good funnel is the most valuable tool in your marketing.